January 9, 2008

Is Est Prothoplastus Stipes (Latin)

Gladly, I give myself the illustrious privilege to write the first post. I am so excited, I decided to do this post although I have nothing to say.
Well, this is not entirely true.
French president Sarkozy had his first official press conference today since taking office. It is interesting to notice how the man is trying to instigate some kind of charisma around his person by doing things "differently". I guess I would too if I was dating and possibly soon marrying her. The most striking thing in his address in my opinion wasn't his little relationship but rather a new concept "la politique de la civilisation". I have yet to understand what it really means, but time will surely tell.

Apparently WMDs are not making the news or scaring people enough. Politics has discovered a new medium to instigate fear. We should take note and if we can convince Philip Morris to put a "greenhouse gas" sign on cigg packs it might have a bigger effect than "Pandemics" or "WMDs".

This mornning Ban delivereed his first news coference of 2008. He suitably put an emphasis and commitment on the security of UN personel following the bombing in Lebanon. My problem though is that in Kenya, to be considered a viable political actor you need to have some "Obamablood". Pathetic. And when will the UN realize that giving money to African tyrans is soooooo not the solution? It's almost like this = $$$

and yes, Clinton finally pulled in front of Obama. If you can call it a win.



Fabio said...

Wow!!!! my mayne!!! im impressed man, i didn't know u could write like dat!!! lool naw im jokin' man, keep on doin' stuff like dat and reppin' da "politician"

Anonymous said...

Well, for someone who did not have anything to say, I think that you did something interesting. Congrats...By the way i think that you are right to place on emphasis on the consequences of UN's giving money to African presidents. However, i would have loved you to give us an alternative to that problem...